Saturday, June 7, 2008


"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto me." Matt: 25:40

Salem Village Nursing Home Paradise Park Assisted Living

Rosewood Care Center Lakewood Nursing Home

The story was told of a little boy who was visiting his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot to play with, out in the woods. He practiced in the woods but he could never hit his target. Getting a little discouraged, he headed back home for dinner. As he was walking back to the house he saw Grandma’s pet duck and just out of impulse, he let the slingshot fly, hit the duck square in the head and killed it. He was shocked and grieved! In a panic, he hid the dead duck in the wood pile, only to see his sister watching.

Sally had seen it all, but she said nothing. After lunch the next day Grandma said, “Sally, let’s wash the dishes.” But Sally said, “Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen.” Then she whispered to Johnny, “Remember the duck?” So Johnny did the dishes. Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing and Grandma said, “I’m sorry but I need Sally to help make supper.”

Sally just smiled and said, “Well, that’s all right because Johnny told me he wanted to help.” She whispered again, “Remember the duck?” So Sally went fishing and Johnny stayed to help. After several days of Johnny doing both his chores and Sally’s, he finally couldn’t stand it any longer. He came to Grandma and confessed that he had killed the duck. Grandma knelt down, gave him a big hug and said, “Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the whole thing, but because I love you, I forgave you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make a slave of you.”

Whatever is in your past, whatever you may have done…..and the devil keeps throwing it up in your face (lying, cheating, fear, bad habits, hatred, anger, bitterness, etc.) ….whatever it is….You need to know that God was standing at the window and He saw the whole thing. He has seen your whole life. He wants you to know that He loves you and that you are forgiven. He’s just wondering how long you will let the devil make a slave of you. The great thing about God is that when you ask for forgiveness, He not only forgives you, but He forgets. It is by God’s grace and mercy that we are saved. When Jesus died on the cross; He was thinking of you! And He was thinking of the many other people who do not know him. Be a friend and make a difference in someone else’s life today.

Over and over people tell us, “I don’t know how you do it. How can you spend so much of your time working in this type of Ministry? Where do you get the energy?” I had three people tell me that, this week. I praise the Lord that when He calls you into a ministry, He also sustains you; He gives you strength that only He can give. He will never call you to do a service for Him and then leave you to do it alone. We are never alone, He is always with us directing our every step and He just keeps on Blessing and Blessing.

Once again, we set record attendance in two of the Nursing homes this month, but its not all about numbers, we are seeing lives changed and people in their final stages of life, come to know the Lord as their personal Savior. People experiencing a joy they never knew before.

A gentleman, who was in the Rosewood Nursing home for 6 weeks of rehab, attended the services this month along with his family, and after the service, they told me they would be back next month, even if, he had gone home from the Nursing Home. They just felt a joy and happiness from the singing and the message that they had not felt in a long time. Only God can fill your heart and soul with that kind of joy and we give Him all the Glory.

Natalia Ponce led a lady to the Lord this month at Salem Village. Ruby invited Jesus Christ into her life. Please pray for her that she might grow in the Lord. There’s nothing more exciting, than leading a soul to Jesus.

At Lakewood in Plainfield we enjoyed some very special music at the service. Barb Brennwald’s sons, Scott and Stephen, each played a piano special and what a joy to have our young people participate. They did a great job. Thanks guys. We look forward to the next time.

A couple of the residents played special music with their harmonica. We love it when the residents participate. Dorothy, a resident at Lakewood, loves to sing with Karl and they do a beautiful job each time they sing.

Nellie and Joe Anglin from Phelan Acres church helped us out at Salem Village this month. Nellie sang the song entitled “Just One More Soul” and that is our heartbeat. All of our efforts and energies from the visitations and the Praise and Worship services is worth it all when we see just one more soul come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. One by one we pray that God will lead us to someone who needs the Lord.

Since the service at Salem Village was on Mother’s Day, flowers were given out to all the mothers. Each person was given a carnation and, as always at Salem village, we enjoyed cookies and tea after the service.

We also have a nice little gift that we give out to our residents who have birthdays each month. We present them with a little gift box of sugar free fudge and a “Happy Birthday” tract, which is another way of getting tracts into their hands. We want everyone we meet, to know Jesus.

PLEASE MAKE NOTE: The service at Salem Village will be held at 2:30 from this date forward. We will start singing about 15 minutes prior to the start of the service.

PLEASE NOTE: The Sonshine Outreach Ministries has set up a checking account in the name of the Ministry and any and all future contributions to our ministry should be made payable to “Sonshine Outreach Ministries”. You can mail them to c/o Joyce Mancke, 509 Rhonda Dr., Lockport, IL. 6044l. if you are a member of First Baptist Church of Lockport, and would like to give through the church, just indicate on your offering envelope the amount you want to designate to the ministry. All other gifts should be made payable to Sonshine Outreach Ministries. Your gifts are tax deductible and you will receive an end of the year statement.

Pass the Newsletter along to others or let us know if you know someone who would enjoy receiving it. Our list continues to grow and we are Thankful to God and Him Alone.

Our schedule for July is as follows;

Lakewood Nursing Home, Plainfield – July 6th, @ 2:30 p.m.

Salem Village, Joliet – July 13th @ 2:30 p.m.

Rosewood Rehab Ctr. – Joliet - July 20th @ 2:00 p.m

Paradise Park, New Lenox – July 27th @ 2:00 p.m.

Please come and join us, we need your talents. You will make a difference and God will bless you for it.

Respectfully submitted by Joyce Mancke

Telephone no: 815-351-7659

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