Thursday, January 29, 2009


Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto me. Matt: 25:40

Lakewood Nursing Home Salem Village Nursing Home
Rosewood Care Center Paradise Park Assisted Living

Sometimes a spoken word just does not cover it. . . . you just burst forth into singing. David, the psalmist, knew how to sing. His sin had been great, his repentance sincere, and his forgiveness complete. Naturally it follows that he would be filled with rejoicing. In Psalm 13:5 David says, “I trust in your unfailing love. My heart rejoices in your salvation.” His confidence in God coupled with God’s response to his struggles led him to remember that God is faithful and good. No one sees, knows, and cares like the Lord. There is no substitute for getting in “tune” with God and His purposes. It would be impossible to know how many difficulties we avoid just by singing the Lord’s song of full salvation.

There is an attraction to the joy-filled life. Those under the pressure of this world of sin can see the contrast and be drawn to the example they see. What an opportunity to tell them of One who can give them full forgiveness and newness of life.

One of the residents who attended the services at Paradise Park was amazed at how happy our Ministry team is. She told me a couple of times, “I just can’t get over how happy all of you are”. I think that is one of the best compliments you could give our Ministry team because it is an example of what Jesus Christ really means to each one of us. The joy and happiness just radiates from each face. We have an amazing team of people, so full of love and encouragement to one another. I can not say enough about our group. I have never seen a team of people that fit together so perfectly, like pieces to a puzzle, and I believe with all my heart, that God brought us all together to work in this Ministry for His Honor and Glory. There is such a sweet, sweet spirit when we are together.

Betty Tan and I visited the Lakewood Nursing Home last week and we gave out “sugar free candy” and “happy birthday tracts” to all the residents with birthdays in January. The little box has 3 pieces of candy in it and they are so proud of that little box, it’s like we have given them an expensive gift. It really opens the door to tell them about the greatest gift that was ever given, the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. We spent about 40 minutes with one of the residents sharing the plan of salvation. She was frustrated and angry about things that are happening in her life and I shared with her, how much Jesus loves her and even though she did not pray the sinner’s prayer, she was very interested in what we were saying. I will meet with her again.

Another gentleman was sitting in the hallway just outside the doorway to his room and he was so sad. His wife shares a room with him and she was sick. I stood by his wheel chair for a long time and just listened to his stories, the stories of his life, the good years that have quickly passed and now the struggles that he is facing. Their children do not come to see them very often, nor seem to care. Even with all the health problems he and his wife are going through, he is concerned about his children and wants to see them so badly. I prayed with him and will be going back to see him again.

As he was talking, I couldn’t help but think about how much God cares for us and how He loves us, and I thought about how He would like for us to talk with Him more often, to pray, to read His word and draw closer to Him, and yet, so many times, we are like this gentleman’s children, we are cold and we go our own ways. May God have Mercy on all of us.

Our services are working out well with the new meeting place at Salem. We have moved from the Sunken Garden in the Lower Level to the main floor in the dining room. It is so much easier for the residents. They don’t have to walk as far and it is much easier for us hauling in all the equipment. We are also having more visitors now that we are on the main level. They come in to see their loved ones and while they are waiting for the elevators, they hear the singing and several have asked if they could come to the services. We had several visitors last month and that is exciting.

God continues to work all things out for His Glory and the Windows of Heaven are open and the Blessings just keep on coming and for all this we give Him all the Praise and all the Glory. Before sending His disciples out as witnesses, He commanded them to wait for the promised Holy Spirit. Herein is the secret to victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. There is no lack of power while the Spirit abides in his fullness. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens each one of us.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone? What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets? What if we flipped through it several times a day? What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it? What if we used it to receive messages from the text? What if we treated it like we couldn’t live without it? What if we gave it to our kids as gifts? What if we used it when we traveled? What if we used it in case of emergency? I believe that is the way God intended it to be. He wants to be first in our lives.

PLEASE NOTE: All contributions to our ministry should be made payable to “Sonshine Outreach Ministries”. You can mail your gift to SonShine Outreach Ministries, c/o Joyce Mancke, 509 Rhonda Dr., Lockport, IL. 6044l. Your gifts are tax deductible and you will receive an end of the year statement.

Our schedule for February is as follows;

Lakewood Nursing Home, Plainfield – Feb 1st @ 2:30 p.m.
Salem Village, Joliet – Feb 8th @ 2:30 p.m.

Rosewood Rehab Ctr. –Joliet -Feb.15th @ 2:00 p.m.
Paradise Park, New Lenox –Feb. 22nd @ 2:00 p.m.

Everyone is welcome to come and join us, we need your talents. You will make a difference and God will bless you for it.

Respectfully submitted by Joyce Mancke
Telephone: 815-351-7659

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