Thursday, August 6, 2009


Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto me. Matt: 25:40


Lakewood Nursing Home Salem Village Nursing Home Rosewood Care Center Sunny Hill Nursing Home

Paradise Park Assisted Living Senior Star @ Weber Rd.

I am always thrilled to write these newsletters when I have really good news to share with you and this has been another exciting month, another soul has been saved. Rosaedia, a Mexican lady, who is the daughter of a gentleman that we visit at the Salem Village Nursing Home, invited Jesus into her heart on Tuesday, July 28th. Natalia and Gloria have both visited with the gentleman many times, however he doesn’t really enjoy visitors and we have not been able to reach him. Since they only speak Spanish, I have not been able to communicate with them at all, other than a hug and a smile, however, Gloria and Rosaedia got to know each other and she really enjoys hearing Gloria sing and she would make comments that we always looked so happy and she was looking for that happiness. She came to our service this month, even though she didn’t understand all the words we were singing, she loved the joy that she felt in her heart. She agreed to meet Gloria at Ingalls Park on Tuesday and they spent a couple of hours together and Gloria explained the plan of salvation to her and led her to the Lord.

As I have said everytime someone comes to know the Lord, it takes all of us. Someone plants the seed, many people come along and water it, but it is God who gives the increase. I am so thankful that we have workers with willing hearts that will take the time, however long it takes, to lead a soul to Jesus Christ. If Gloria had not spent that two hours with her, she could have gone out into eternity without God, but now, we may see her dad, who is at Salem Village, come to know the Lord and also her relatives. She is so excited, she wants to tell everybody. She said she had the peace she has been looking for, for a long time. We Praise God for all He is doing in and through our Ministry Team and how He is speaking and revealing Himself to the residents we minister to each month.

The Bible says, “There is joy in heaven over one soul that repents” and our hearts are filled with joy that God has chosen us to be used for Him, to bring a lost soul to faith in Jesus Christ. Gloria was on shouting ground when she called me and what a Blessing to listen to her share the good news. We give Him all the praise, honor and glory.

On the 4th of July, Ben and Betty Tan and Verlin and I, drove to Indianapolis and spent the day with Tom and Gela Graef, the missionaries that the SonShine Ministry supports. We spent the day helping them pack and package all their belongings to be shipped to Romania and what a Blessing it was. We enjoyed every minute. Before driving back home, we took the family, along with Tom’s mom and dad, Pastor Ron & Irene Graef, out to O’Charley's for dinner and we had a wonderful time. They are just great people with a heart for God and it was so refreshing. It was a really good day and a good way to spend the 4th of July. The Graef’s will be leaving for Romania the first part of August and we wish them well and will continue to stay in touch with them.

All the services went well at all the homes this month with good attendance. Dorothy, the resident at Lakewood who sings with our worship team and also does special music with Karl, informed us she will be moving out of Lakewood and going to an Assisted Living home in Bolingbrook, however, she does not plan to miss any of our services and will be coming back each month to join us. She is an inspiration to all of us and we are so happy that she will continue to be a part of our Ministry. She loves the music and we need her talent. She has a beautiful alto voice.

We had 11 workers come to the Saturday morning services at Senior Star this month. They only have 6 or 7 residents, as the home just opened in May, but we had a great time of fellowship. We forgot the adapter for the keyboard which left us without a piano. Ben decided to go back to Lockport to get it, but we had to go ahead and get the service started and believe it or not, we all sang acapella, until he got back. This is a Memory Care home so most of the residents have a problem with memory and if something like this is going to happen; perhaps it’s good that it happened there. They won’t remember how we really sounded. God always works it out and watches over us.

We had a good crowd at Salem Village this month and lots of new faces. Christine, one of the residents, was very emotional as she had just lost her husband a few days before and we prayed with her. Another resident, Nancy had just lost her mom and we spent some extra time with her. It was a great service and it was obvious that the Holy Spirit was working in the hearts of people.

We had over 20 residents at Rosewood this month which is really good and great services at Sunny Hill. Lots of good special music.

Amanda reports Paradise Park with good attendance and good service. All their singers have Alto voices and they need some sopranos. Perhaps the Lord is leading some sopranos to help them out. They will be moving the services to a different building starting in August. I believe it is building number 5. We appreciate so very much all the Ministry team and young people that participate in that service.

Amanda Fuller’s back is improving, Praise the Lord for answered prayer. Please continue to remember her daily. Tony Pasderetz is doing well after his heart surgery even though he spent another couple nights at Silver Cross. He is back home now and on the mend and we give God the Glory for that answered prayer.

Missionary Tom and Gela Graef and family will be leaving for Romania the 1st of August. Pray for them as they adjust to their new home and new life serving as missionaries to Romania. Bob Holmes, the one man Volleyball team, continues to need prayers for support of his ministry. He has a tremendous ministry, reaching many many teens for Christ who are into drugs, alcohol, sex and suicide. Over 30,000 teens have invited Jesus into their hearts since 911. It’s a great ministry.

Many of you know that Verlin’s stress test came back abnormal and he had to have an angiogram done and we are Praising God for the results of that. Only God can do miracles like this. His blockage has actually reduced from the angiogram that was done 12 years ago and he does not have to have surgery. The doctors are amazed and they don’t have the answer, BUT WE DO and we are Praising God for it all.

Many of you continue to ask if we “need” additional help with the services each week and I sometimes hesitate when I answer you. I want to make sure you all know, we would like for each and everyone of you to be a part of the Ministry, however, we realize not everyone enjoys working with Nursing Homes and we feel it is truly a calling from the Lord. If you feel God is leading you to work with the Nursing Home Ministry, you are always welcome to join us and we will put you to work. I am not sure that God “needs” any of us, but He wants us to have willing hearts to be submissive to His call and do what ever He leads us to do. May He find us all faithful as we seek His Will for our lives?

The Sunday night singing that was held on the 26th went really well and was well attended. Lots of great music and with good food and fellowship. You missed a Blessing if you were not able to attend.

Exercise daily, Walk with the Lord.

PLEASE NOTE: All contributions to our ministry should be made payable to “Sonshine Outreach Ministries”. You can mail your gift to SonShine Outreach Ministries, c/o Joyce Mancke, 509 Rhonda Dr., Lockport, IL. 6044l. Your gifts are tax deductible and you will receive an end of the year statement.

Our schedule for August is as follows;

Lakewood Nursing Home, Plainfield – Aug 2nd @ 2:30 p.m.

Senior Star @ Weber Rd –(Saturday) Aug. 8th @ 10:00 a.m.

Salem Village, Joliet – Aug 9th @ 2:30 p.m.

Rosewood Rehab Center, Joliet – Aug 16th @ 2:30 p.m.,

Sunny Hill, Joliet – Aug 23rd @ 2:30 p.m.

Paradise Park, New Lenox – Aug 23rd @ 2:30 p.m.

Everyone is welcome. Come join us, we need your talents. You will make a difference and God will bless you for it.

Respectfully submitted by Joyce Mancke


Telephone: 815-351-7659

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